Saturday, December 17, 2011

WotR: Skirmish

These rules modifications are meant to play WotR without moving trays. Why?
1. Skirmish game looks better on the table top.
2. Skirmish game allows better integration of terrain.
3. The WotR rule book contains all the profiles whereas many SBG sourcebooks are no longer available.

The rules are changed as follow:
I. Companies & Formation (p24)
Movement trays are not used.
There are no facings.
All models within a formation must remain within 1” of another model of the same formation.
II. Dice and Measuring (p27)
Measuring is from each model.
III. Move Phase (p32)
No model may move more than its move allowance.
All models within a formation must remain within 1” of another model of the same formation.
IV. Shoot Phase (p36)
A. Calculate Number of Dice
Shooting Directly: Each model with line of sight and range to a target generate one shooting die.
Accuracy Bonus: Apply for every 8 infantry models shooting directly, 2 cavalry models shooting directly, or single monster model shooting directly.
Supporting Fire: For every 8 infantry models, 2 cavalry models, or monster model in the formation that cannot shoot directly but has range to the formation’s target, an extra shooting die is generated.
B. Removing Casualties
Casualty models to be removed must start with the model furthest away from any command model of the formation. A command model in the formation is any any upgrade listed in the Command Companies section (p60) and any epic hero in the formation.
An infantry formation reduced to four models or less is removed in total. A cavalry formation reduced to one model it must also be removed as casualty.
V. Charge Phase (p42)
Choose Spearhead. The spearhead must be a command model upgrade listed in the Command Companies section (p60) or any epic hero in the formation. If the formation does not have a command model or a hero, then the closest model to the charged formation is the spearhead.
Move Remaining Companies. Change to move remaining models.
VI. Fight Phase (p46)
A. Calculate Number of Dice
1. Fighting Directly: Each infantry or cavalry model in base to base contact generates one die. Each monster model in base to base contact generates a number of attach dice per its profile. Each Galadhrim Knight model generates two dice.
2. Combat Modifiers:
a. Charging infantry and monsters: +1 die for every eight models.
b. Charging cavalry and flying monsters against infantry and monsters: + 3 dice for every model
c. Charging cavalry and flying monsters against cavalry and flying monsters: +1 die for every model
d. Battle Skill: +1 for every fight value higher than charged model for every 8 charging infantry models, every 2 cavalry models, or every monster. In addition bonus dice are generated for the difference between single hero model fight value and the target formation fight value .
e. Unstoppable Charge: +D3 dice for every 8 charging infantry models, every 2 cavalry models, or every monster.
f. Disordered: the maximum number of dice for a disordered formation is 1 for every 8 infantry models, every 2 cavalry models, or every monster.
B. Removing Casualties
Casualty models to be removed must start with the model furthest away from any command model of the formation. A command model in the formation is any any upgrade listed in the Command Companies section (p60) and any epic hero in the formation.
An infantry formation reduced to four models or less is removed in total. A cavalry formation reduced to one model it must also be removed as casualty.

So we tried out a 500 points game this week and it did not work. This all comes down to the tactical lost of clear companies in both the movement phase, placement of chargers, as well as facing in combat.

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