I plan on expanding my BFG fleet collection to include Orks, one of the Eldar fleets, and what ever else. I however do not like some of the GW models, especially with regard to Orks. So i have been eyeing alternative models from other companies. Before Mongoose stopped producing B5 ship models for their All Call to Arms game, they had a sale. I looked at the model line that I liked and picked up two fleets: Narn and Earth Alliance. (Since Mongoosed stopped making these models,
Iron Wind Metals have acquired the rights to do so). Since I don't intend any of these to be my primary fleet, and certainly won't be using them in GW Tourneys, I think it might be nice have try some different models.
I have decided to use the Narn models as either Orks or Necrons. Fluff wise the Narns seems to have the more primitive technology. Their ships have a low wedge sharp profile so I that they might be harder to hit front on (thus their 6+ prow armor in BFG as orks) yet not as durable close in (hence a 4+ armor against attack crafts). In contrast their larger models have four pyramidal wedges in the corners seems to fit with the Necron monolith models. So they too might fit Necrons alright.
Narn ships to represent BFG ships.
Ka'Bin'Tak super dreadnought as Ork BB or Necron Tombship.
Bin'Tak dreadnought as Ork Terror ship or Necron Scythe cruiser.
G'Quan cruiser as Ork Kill Kroozer of Necron Shroud cruiser.
Var'Nic destroyer as Ork Onslaught or Necron Jackal.
KaToc escort as Ork Ram ship or Necron Dirge.

Narn color scheme
Base = Gunmetal with green wash
Hull = Iyanden darksun
Highlight = Mithril silver
Weapon = Red Gore
Engineerings = Tin bitz
The Earth Alliance ships will represent AdMech ships. They are ships based on the long axis similar to standard Imperial ships.
Warlock Advance destroyers will be AdMech Dictators.
Apollo Bombardment cruisers will be AdMech Lunars.
Marathon Advance cruiser will be AdMech Defiant light cruiser.
Delphi Advanced scout will be Gladius escorts.

Earth Alliance color scheme
base = Shadow Grey with black wash
Hull = White
Highlight = Shinning gold
Weapon = Chainmail
I have also been eyeing these ships from Spartan Games upcoming
Firestorm game. Dark Eldars? Space Marines? Tyranids?
Firestorm models.